Tiny Clean
May Creeks

Please email the Valley Transport Authority (VTA) Board by 1 PM Pacific today


Mayor Mahan of San Jose needs VTA approval to lease some under-utilized VTA land in North San Jose away from residential neighborhoods at the corner of Zanker at Highway 237 for over 200 Tiny Homes at the VTA Cerone Yard. The VTA Board is voting on whether to allow the City of San Jose to lease VTA property, and there are concerns being expressed that may torpedo the plan.


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(Please don't forget to add your name in {NAME} at the beginning & end)

Dear Board President & Board Directors,My name is {NAME}, and I'm writing to support the creation of an Emergency Interim Housing (EIH) community at the Valley Transport Authority (VTA) Cerone Yard.Problem -
San Jose is facing a homelessness crisis, with more than 4,000 people living on our streets. We need compassionate solutions to help people get back on their feet and this EIH site will do just that.
Solutions -
(1) The City of San Jose can provide additional security that ensures that those in and outside of the EIH site feel safe.
(2) Please support the use of Cerone Yard for Emergency Interim Housing and authorize negotiations on this agreement.
Details -
EIH sites are safe with private on-site security, full perimeter fencing, and staff on-site 24/7 to address any needs
Benefits -
(1) Show the North San Jose neighborhood how you are working to help unhoused people
(2) Over 70% of residents who enter the City’s EIH communities graduate to get stable housing, and over 50% of those individuals find permanent housing
(3) Support iconic wildlife, such as federally threatened steelhead trout, by reducing encampments along Coyote Creek that reduce critical habitat and impair restoration projects
Thank you,{NAME}
South Bay Clean Creeks Coalition Supporter

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Please consider spreading the message.

Abandoned encampment on Penitencia Creek in San Jose, CA